3 Doors Down-Here Without YouAnd When The Last One Falls When Its All Said And Done It Get Hard But
Everything I know, and anywhere I go (oh whoa)It gets hard but it won't take away my love (oh whoa)And when the last one fallsWhen it's all said and doneIt gets hard but it wont take away my love, whoa, oh, oh
3 Doors Down-Here Without YouAnd when the last one falls When its all said and done It get hard but
MS. RENO: In 1984 I suddenly foundmyself the guardian of 15-year old twins, a boy andgirl, and the girl was in love. I've learned an awfullot about raising children in the last years. It takeshard work, intelligence, love, and an awful lot ofluck, and you will find nothing more rewarding than tofind somebody throwing their arms around your neck asyou put them on a plane to send them to college, thenwhen you go to see them graduate cum laude in threeyears, and on each occasion they say, "Thank you. Icouldn't have done it without you." Or when you takecare of your mother and take her around the world whenshe's old and frail and dying. Make sure those lastyears are special and wonderful. Don't forget thepeople you love. And don't forget your democracy.
The last problem I had was when I wasnamed State Attorney in 1978, and about four peoplesaid to me, "You're a nice lady, but I just don't thinka woman can do the job." About five months later oneof those people, an anchorman for a local televisionstation said to me, "I've got to admit that I waswrong," and I've never had any comment ever since. Some people suggest that I get a rough time and getsome knocks, some of the figurative knocks, because I'ma woman. I don't think so.
I participated in a rehab program at abuilding in St. Louis on Martin Luther King's Day. Iwalked in and the television cameras followed me, andhalf the young men were trying to stay out of prison byvolunteering and half had just come back from prison orsomething like that. They looked at me like, "Oh, no. Here comes a showboater. As soon as the televisioncamera leaves, she will probably." So they didn't findme anything to do. Television cameras left. I stayed. They said, "You want something to do?" I said, "Yes. That's why I came." So I proceeded to nail three-pennynails into studs, and I didn't bend any. They decidedI might be okay, and we started talking. What theywanted most was to have their voting rights restoredwhen they had done their time.
The United States must go not as a bigbrother but as the respectful partner. The UnitedStates must go and say, "We'd like to share, but it's atwo-way street." It's coming and going, but we can'tdo it just with one nation. We have got to try toestablish the key point in a place like sub-SaharanAfrica. Where else do we start? How do we build aninstitute for law enforcement training? What can wedo? How can we be a good partner in giving peopleequal opportunities? It gets frustrating, because it'ssometimes three steps forwards, four steps back, butwhen a man can sit in a kitchen in St. Petersburg,Russia and using his computer steal from a bank in NewYork through an electronic fraudulent transfer, weunderstand that the boundaries of the world will becomein many instances meaningless as we try enforcingagainst cybercrimes, stalking, and other things thatcan be done through the Internet. This is a new world. It's an exciting world, but it's a world that needseverybody working together. It's going to be afascinating country. Hispanics are going to be themajor minority. It's going to be an exciting,wonderful country, but we've got to work very, veryhard to take advantage of the strength and the wisdom,the wonder, the humor, and the art that's there.
So we've really done it right, but now it's time to be open, it's time to stay open. And we will put out the fires as they come up, but we have to open our schools. It's so important to open our schools. And when you said, from a psychological standpoint, with respect to staying home any longer, you can't do it. You can't do it. That has great dangers also.
The President. Now, I want to just focus on this for a minute, because here in Maryland, you understand how important education is to our economy, how important it is to our future. Martin O'Malley knows that too. His opponent raised college tuition in this State by 40 percent when he was in charge. This is at a time when the economy was doing better. Now, even in the toughest of times, over the last 2 years, Martin O'Malley froze in-State tuition, so he kept the cost of this school and other schools affordable for Maryland's families. And thanks to his unprecedented investment in Maryland's education, as I said before, you've been ranked the best when it comes to public schools the last 2 years in a row. That's what Martin O'Malley does. He walks the walk, doesn't just talk the talk.
If the other side wins, they'll try their hardest to give free rein back to the insurance companies and the credit card companies and the Wall Street banks that we're finally holding accountable. We can't let them do that. We can't go back to the days of taxpayer-funded bailouts or when credit card companies could just jack up your rates without reason. We can't go back to the days when insurance companies could just drop your coverage because you're sick. We've got to keep in place the new law that says if you're out there looking for a job or have one that don't offer you coverage, you should be able to stay on your parent's insurance policy until you're 26 years old.
MR. STRUDWICK: One small, minor comment. Just to add to mine if I wasn't clear, but in my canvassing of the members of NUCA last week in Keystone, Colorado where I was having a hard time breathing anyway, most of those are associated with small or are small contractors, and a lot of what happens as far as crane service is supplied by a vendor or an outside source. I just got off the phone an hour ago with a contractor that's a $200 million to $300 million contractor, and when it becomes a critical lift situation they hire it done. And so I just wanted to make sure that small entities in most cases including myself over a period of time don't try to accomplish a critical lift on our own. We normally bring in the professionals from the outside. That's it, Tom.
Secondly, we've got to work on, you know, in the construction, particularly residential construction, the falls in that area is one of our big concerns. And it's the hardest area that we have to deal with, to tell you the truth. Of all the things, if you really look at everything we're doing, that's one of the hardest areas. And what I'm trying to do is to try to bring together the top residential contractors in the country together in one room. Now you could say, well, that shouldn't be very hard, but it's not that easy. We have brought together something like the top nine electrical contractors together in one room. And I was talking to them when we had a partnership signing with them. We renewed the partnership signing, and I was talking to a couple of them, and they said you know when we met the first time we had never been in a room together. All of us had never been in a room together ever. But they determined, they figured it out that we had to do something because they knew they were in a dangerous industry and their profession was very dangerous. They knew they had a lot of fatalities because of electrocution. They knew that they had a lot of transient - their employees would be working with them one year and then the next year they'd be with another contractor and the next year on another contractor. Well you know, that's the same scenario we have pretty much in construction across the board. And now they're doing the training program. Well, they're going to have everyone trained where they will have - a person has a card, and even if he or she changes jobs you're going to know, that electro-contractors going to know that person has at least the minimal training that we've set here in order to get that card. That and also they've driven it out to their vendors and their subs, and that's made a tremendous difference.
And I promise you one thing. I've already promised a couple of things already, I've promised a bunch of things, but one other additional thing that I'm going to promise you on. For those employers that don't want our hand out to help them, well Lord knows they're going to get to see the other side. And that means we're going to have strong enforcement. And I've already told my people, the employers that don't care about the safety and health of their employees, the ones that thumb their nose at OSHA, they're going to get to know us up front and personal, and we're not going to back down. We're going to go after them strong on the penalties, we're going to go after them on contempt citations if they continue to do this. These are the things we're going to go. So we're going to have a strong enforcement. But we're still going to have the hand out trying to provide compliance assistance to them to help them if they want it. Companies can clearly, if we can prevent injuries and illnesses, that's the key. Because a lot of times enforcement comes after somebody's been hurt or somebody's been killed. And when all is said and done, the more injuries, illnesses and fatalities that we can reduce, you can't put a price tag on how that is for the employees that go home safe and sound every day. You can't. There's no monetary price tag you can put on that.
MR. FOULKE: Well, once we get this group - I mean, this is a hard area for us. I mean, when you think about it, residential construction, because it's hard to figure out where they are and by the time we get there, figured out where they are, they've moved on. So we've got to figure out a better system than that. But yes, I want to - like I said, I want to make sure when I'm out speaking, I want to come to your training centers because I know you guys, I know all the unions have some really great training centers that I want to come talk to, get to see, figure out how we can leverage that even more. That'd be great, I'd love to do that.
MR. FOULKE: And we're actually doing something - the last, I'd say it's been about the last two months. And this came up when I was out at one of the regions and I asked that question. I said do you have any bad employers? And they said, well, now that you mention it, we do have this one guy, it's in the construction industry. And I said well tell me about the guy. And they said, well, we've inspected him a bunch of times and he just ignores us and he tears up citations in front of the compliance officer and he mails back subpoenas and you know, we've got a picture of him giving us the double finger to the compliance officer. And I said well that's enough, I don't need to hear anymore, I want you to send me what you have on this man. And we're going to go stronger. We're in the process of getting ready to go after civil contempt charges after him in federal court. We're going to do that.